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Calculated since Service initiation on January 2022
✔ We scan the portfolios of over 10,000 stock traders and use AI to identify the best.
✔ We identify common holdings and analyze portfolio composition.
✔ We send you a complete report and notify you in real-time when a top stock is detected.
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This is a screenshot of our portfolio, tracked using the third-party platform ShareSight.
From January 2022 to the present, our portfolio has achieved a total return of 52.56%, compared to the 4.68% returns of the S&P 500.
This is another screenshot of our portfolio, tracked using the third-party platform ShareSight. The portfolio was constructed by purchasing $1,000 worth of shares in each stock we recommended over the last two years on the same day the recommendation was made. The portfolio also accounts for compound interest.
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Unlike traditional services that rely on the predictions of a single analyst or firm, we aggregate insights from multiple successful investors. This approach minimizes reliance on individual predictions and leverages the collective wisdom of proven investors.
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We compile a database of top traders from various brokers and we use AI to calculate their gains over the past 24 months, analyzing their portfolio performances.
Our service is designed to benefit both new investors looking for guided investment opportunities and experienced investors seeking to diversify their sources of insight with data-driven, AI-analyzed recommendations.
Silver subscribers receive a monthly Top Industries report, which focuses on the top 5 emerging industries identified in our research. Platinum subscribers receive all the benefits of Silver, plus real-time email notifications about significant changes in the leading portfolios we monitor.
Platinum subscribers receive real-time email notifications whenever a stock is held in the portfolios of at least 15% of the top-performing traders we analyze. The frequency of these notifications can vary based on market movements and portfolio changes among the top traders.
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The Best Stocks, its managers, its employees, affiliates and assigns (collectively “The Company”) do not make any guarantee or warranty about the advice provided on this website or what is otherwise advertised above.
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